Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The Internet, Porn and Education

The Internet is fantastic.  We use it for education, research, posting, sharing, social connection and so many other things.  However, the Internet is also scary.  There are many facets of the Internet that are appropriate and inappropriate for all different ages.  This fact makes us ask ourselves an important question:  How do we safeguard our children against the inappropriate and attention grabbing sites? 
            I think it’s safe to say that we all realize that students need to use the Internet to enhance their education.  It is used in schools and at the homes of the students.  So how do we protect our children from stumbling onto, or purposefully accessing inappropriate sites such as porn?  The general consensus is that porn is not suitable for children.  This is demonstrated by the fact that it is illegal for anyone under the age of 18.  Despite knowing this, we cannot monitor our children 24/7 online.  Because of this, there is software that blocks inappropriate sites from being accessed. 
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There are a few issues with using this software though.  One such issue is that this software blocks a general group of websites which could limit children from accessing sites that they need to be able to access to do homework (Shulevitz, 2016).  The software could “over-filter” which would block a child’s access to an appropriate site or “under-filter” which would not block access to inappropriate sites (Melgosa and Scott, 2013).  This is a major problem that we face while trying to protect our children from accessing sexually explicit material.  The problem of children seeing this material is not only that it is illegal for them to see, but also that it can promote poor body image and a skewed view of “normal” sexual activity (Shulevitz, 2016).  Access to porn by children also increases their risk of becoming vulnerable to sexual predators and messages spreading hate (Thornburgh and Lin, 2004).
Online Sex Crimes and APPS to Protect Your Children
Blocking software is not the only possible way to filter what sites children have access to on the Internet.  Congress has passed two bills over the past twenty years limiting the access to porn by children; however, these bills have been invalidated by the Supreme Court citing infringement on adults’ First Amendment rights (Shulevitz, 2016).  This is the problem with governmental regulation of issues such as these.  Censorship of these sites violates the rights of adults, yet leaves children vulnerable to inappropriate material.  This conundrum is very hard to reconcile.  This is precisely the reason why the government has not instituted any type of censorship on these harmful Internet sites.
It is the view of many, that schools need to block the inappropriate sites with the best tools they have available to them, while teaching students about the possible harm of accessing these sites (Melgosa and Scott, 2013).  Others believe that it is the government’s responsibility to censor the Internet.  There are problems and merits to both of these approaches.  Do you believe that children should not be allowed to access this material?  What do you believe would be the most effective way to control the sites that children have access to?  Do you believe schools should use these tools to block certain sites on their computers?

Melgosa, Annette and Scott, Rudy.  (2013).  School internet safety.  More than 'block it to stop it'.  The Journal of Adventist Education, 26-31.
Shulevitz, Judith.  (2016).  It's O.K., liberal parents, you can freak out about porn.  The New York Times.  https://nyti.ms/2a6zaV5
Thornburgh, Dick and Lin, Herbert.  (2004).  Youth, pornography, and the internet.  Issues in Science and Technology, 20-2.